William McDowell + Tasha Cobbs Leonard - Even Now Lyrics

Contents: Song Information
  • Song Title: Even Now (feat. Tasha Cobbs Leonard)
  • Album: The Cry: A Live Worship Experience
  • Artist: William McDowell
  • Released On: 20 Sep 2019
  • Download/Stream: iTunes Music Amazon Music
William McDowell Even Now

Even Now Lyrics

There's about to be
A suddenly in this place
I, I hear a sound
A mighty sound
The rising of faith

There's about to be
A suddenly in this place
I, I hear a sound
A mighty sound
The rising of faith

There's about to be
A suddenly in this place
I, I hear a sound
A mighty sound
The rising of faith
Even now You are moving
Even now You are moving

Even now You are moving
Even now You are moving

There's about to be
A miracle in this place
Your promise to me
I'm gonna see
Yes, I believe

There's about to be
A miracle in this place
Your promise to me
I'm gonna see
Yes, I believe

Even now You are healing
Even now You are healing

All things are possible
Right here, right now

Even now You can do it
Even now You can do it
(repeat *5)

There's about to be
A suddenly in this place

Even Now Video

Even Now Song Meaning, Biblical Reference and Inspiration

Even Now: A Powerful Song of Faith and Miracles


In the world of Christian music, there are songs that touch our hearts and souls in profound ways. One such song is "Even Now" by William McDowell featuring Tasha Cobbs Leonard. This powerful and uplifting song brings a message of hope, faith, and miracles.

I. The Rising of Faith:

The song begins with the lines, "There's about to be a suddenly in this place. I, I hear a sound, a mighty sound. The rising of faith." These lines set the tone for the rest of the song, emphasizing the anticipation and expectation of a supernatural move of God. The lyrics convey the belief that something incredible is about to happen, and it is faith that will bring it to pass.

II. Even Now You Are Moving:

The chorus repeats the phrase, "Even now You are moving" multiple times, emphasizing the continuous and active presence of God in our lives. It reminds us that God is not distant or passive but is actively working in our situations, even when we may not see or feel it. This line serves as a powerful declaration of faith, affirming that God is always at work, even in the midst of our challenges and struggles.

III. A Miracle in This Place:

The next verse highlights the expectation of a miracle, stating, "There's about to be a miracle in this place. Your promise to me, I'm gonna see. Yes, I believe." These lines speak to the faith-filled assurance that God's promises are true and that He will fulfill them in our lives. It encourages listeners to hold onto their faith and trust in God's faithfulness, even when circumstances seem impossible.

IV. Even Now You Are Healing:

The second chorus repeats the phrase, "Even now You are healing," affirming God's power to bring physical, emotional, and spiritual healing. It acknowledges that God is not limited by time or space and can bring healing and restoration in any situation. This line echoes the biblical truth that God is the ultimate healer and that nothing is impossible for Him.

V. All Things Are Possible:

The bridge of the song proclaims, "All things are possible, right here, right now." This statement echoes the teachings of Jesus in the Bible, where He emphasizes the unlimited power of faith and the ability of God to do the impossible. It serves as a reminder that with God, there are no limitations or boundaries, and He can do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think (Ephesians 3:20).

VI. Even Now You Can Do It:

The song concludes with the repeated phrase, "Even now You can do it," further reinforcing the message of God's power and ability to bring about miracles. It encourages listeners to hold onto their faith, believing that God can do the impossible in their lives, no matter the circumstances they may be facing.

Meaning and Inspiration:

The song "Even Now" carries a powerful message of hope and encouragement. It reminds us that no matter what we are going through, God is with us and actively working on our behalf. The lyrics inspire faith and trust in God's promises, even when everything seems impossible. The song serves as a reminder that miracles can happen in our lives if we hold onto our faith and believe in God's power to bring about the impossible.

The inspiration behind the song may vary for each listener, but it is evident that the lyrics are rooted in biblical truths and teachings. The song's message aligns with the core principles of Christianity, emphasizing the importance of faith, trust, and belief in God's power. It encourages listeners to stand firm in their faith and not be shaken by the challenges of life.

Biblical Analysis:

When critically analyzing the song "Even Now" from a biblical perspective, it is important to examine the lyrics in light of biblical teachings and principles. The key messages of faith, miracles, and the power of God align with numerous passages in the Bible.

1. The Rising of Faith:

The concept of faith is central to Christianity, as it is the foundation of our relationship with God. Hebrews 11:1 defines faith as "the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen." The song's emphasis on the rising of faith reflects the biblical understanding that faith can grow and be strengthened, leading to miraculous outcomes.

2. Even Now You Are Moving:

The repeated phrase, "Even now You are moving," aligns with the biblical truth that God is omnipresent and actively involved in our lives. Psalm 139:7-10 declares, "Where shall I go from your Spirit? Or where shall I flee from your presence?... If I take the wings of the morning and dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea, even there your hand shall lead me, and your right hand shall hold me." This verse assures us that God is always with us, moving and working on our behalf.

3. A Miracle in This Place:

Throughout the Bible, we see numerous accounts of God performing miracles in the lives of His people. From the parting of the Red Sea to the healing of the sick, God's power to perform miracles is evident. The song's declaration of a miracle in this place echoes the biblical truth that God is a miracle-working God and can bring about supernatural interventions in our lives.

4. Even Now You Are Healing:

The belief in God's healing power is deeply rooted in biblical teachings. The Bible is filled with stories of Jesus healing the sick, raising the dead, and bringing restoration to broken lives. Isaiah 53:5 declares, "But he was pierced for our transgressions; he was crushed for our iniquities; upon him was the chastisement that brought us peace, and with his wounds, we are healed." This verse reminds us that through the sacrifice of Jesus, we can experience physical, emotional, and spiritual healing.

5. All Things Are Possible:

The bridge of the song emphasizes the biblical truth that all things are possible with God. Jesus Himself declared in Matthew 19:26, "With man, this is impossible, but with God all things are possible." This verse serves as a reminder that God's power is limitless, and He can do far more than we can imagine or comprehend.


"Even Now" by William McDowell featuring Tasha Cobbs Leonard is a powerful song that carries a message of faith, miracles, and the power of God. Its lyrics inspire hope, encourage trust in God's promises, and remind us of His ability to bring about the impossible. The song's biblical alignment and emphasis on foundational Christian principles make it a valuable addition to the repertoire of Christian music. As we listen to this song, may our faith be stirred, and may we be reminded that even now, God is moving and working in our lives. Even Now  Lyrics -  William McDowell

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